Thriller eBook Promo Price.
It's funny how when you've a new book due for release, all your publisher wants to do is talk about your last book.I got an email from the good people at HarperCollins today telling me they have decided to drop the price on the second ebook of the John Rossett trilogy to $1.99 as a little book perk treat for all of you.
So, you can grab a copy of The British Lion in lots of ebook formats for a short time by clicking here.
As an added bonus we've thrown in an excerpt of the next book, An Army of One, which is due August totally free, plus there is an interview with a very special person in every copy.
How good is that?
I'm almost sorry I've already read it!
Anyway, click on the link, and grab yourself a copy of what one critic called : "A riveting, remarkable novel which makes one hope there is more to come..."
Thank so much, and have a great week!
Tony Schumacher
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